Saturday, November 1, 2008

Congratulations Amy Caulfield

Congratulations to Amy Caulfield, Alpha Sigma Tau, November's Women of the Month-

Amy Caulfield is very involved within her chapter of AST. As risk management chair (which is an executive board position) she has implemented programming as well as plans that have gained attention from the national organization. She has created and put in place a crisis plan that includes an intricate phone tree and a list of safe places to go in the event anything happens in Manhattan. She has also ordered pepper spray in mass quantities for sisters who want it (and also showed them how to use it). Her programming has ranged from alcohol awareness and safety to healthy eating and her big event this semester is a self-defense workshop. Additionally, she has created a kind of "everything you could possibly need" kit that's in the house, that includes items such as band-aids, gauze, tampons, midol, advil, iodine, eye wash, neosporin, and pregnancy tests (In case you're too embarrassed to buy them yourself). She has revolutionized the position of risk management chair within her chapter and has raised awareness about potential risks and how to minimize them