Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall 2010: Recruitment and Greek Night

Fall is in full swing and every organization has been working hard to make Recruitment and Greek Night--two of Fall's biggest events--a huge success.

Interest in Panhellenic's Formal Recruitment broke records this year! It took place September 19-26. During this busy and fun week, each organization enjoyed promoting sorority life to the greater NYU community and many women found their place in an organization they love. The week ended on Bid Day in Washington Square Park, where rho gam
mas were revealed and each organization congratulated their new members.

Greek Night took place on October 12th, 13th and 14th. It consisted of a Trivia Night, in which people were quizzed on the pillars of NYU Greek Life; a Skit and Dance Night that took place at the Skirball Center; and a Sports Night in which each organization competed in tug of war, basketball, volleyball, limbo and more. It was an extremely exciting competition, not just for Panhel, but for all of the IGC organizations that participated. Congrats to everyone for all of your hard work!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Keeping up with Panhel

Even though the semester is coming to a close with finals and papers, the panhel ladies have been enjoying themselves at all of the great events that have been going on. For the past couple of weeks, they've been keeping busy with Greek Week activities, Powder Puff and Relay for Life.

Greek Week:

Powder Puff Tournament
On Saturday April 10th, the women of the
Panhellenic Council participated in the 2nd Annual Powder Puff Tournament. As a part of the 2010 Greek Week Calendar, the ladies of Panhellenic teamed up with the ladies of MGC to form six mixed-sorority teams.

The gracious gentlemen of IFC and MGC donated their time to coach and referee for the afternoon. Panhellenic's Vice President of Greek Activities, Deb Van, planned the event, and held a bakesale on site.

All of the proceeds of the day will be going towards Panhellenic's brand new Scholarship Fund, which will be voted on and distributed to the community this fall. Thank you to all the men and women who came out to support, and a special congratulations to the Blue Team, our 2010 Powder Puff Champions, and to Sam Reiss our 2010 MVP!

Greek God/Goddess Competition
On April 7th, each organization had one woman compete in the
Greek Goddess Competition. It was an exciting event in which people were able to show their quirky talents in hopes of winning as a representative of their organization.

Relay For Life
On April 24, each organization held a table at NYU's Relay For Life to raise money for the American Cancer Society. This year's theme was celebrating more birthdays. Each Panhel organization, along with other IGC organizations and NYU clubs, got creative with their fundraising. From selling food, to massages, to raffles, each organization celebrated a great cause while enjoying their evening.

The women of Panhel have certainly had a busy, yet fun and productive semester. There's no doubt next fall will be even more exciting, especially with formal recruitment coming up! If you want to find out more about NYU's Panhellenic Association, check out our website for more info and recruitment dates!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stay Connected with Panhel!

Whether you're a member of the NYU Panhellenic community,
or you're interested in joining Greek Life,
you should really check out:

Our newly-updated webpage!

@NYUPanhel on Twitter!

Our General Assembly Meetings!
Spring '10: 7pm, Kimmel 906
Fall '10: 6:30pm, Kimmel 405

And check back often for blog updates on NYU Panhel happenings!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Panhel Members Participate in all-Greek Alternative Spring Break to Tampa, FL

The Panhellenic community would like to recognize the volunteers who participated in this year's all-Greek Alternative Spring Break to Tampa, Florida. This was the first all-Greek Alternative Break trip to take place at NYU, and possibly the country.

This year's group consisted of eleven students of various organizations including the Panhellenic members Tara Andreas , Caitlin Juetten , Liane Naber, Kimberly Urko, Alicia Caticha, Stephanie Chen, and co-site leader Nadine Yang.

The aim of the trip was to mentor and tutor students at Bay Crest Elementary School, a public school for grades K-5 in Tampa Bay, Florida. From Monday to Friday, the volunteers split up into their assigned classrooms and helped out in any way they could. They read with students individually, played learning games with groups of students, made arts and crafts with the students
or helped them with their times tables. Each teacher at Bay Crest had different needs, but every volunteer walked into the classrooms with a smile and an open mind.

Even though only one of the volunteers was an education major, the other volunteers' duty to service and enthusiasm was enough to build strong bonds with the students and help with their learning. This powerful experience even inspired some volunteers to consider teaching in the future.

Not only did this trip empower many of the FSL volunteers, but it also allowed for numerous organizations of the community to convene and build relationships. Each day, after school, the participants shared experiences and discussed issues that they faced. By the end of the trip, the communication within the group truly portrayed how valuable community service is to Greek life at NYU.

More bonds were forged when the work-day was over.
On one afternoon, the group visited Clearwater Beach; and, although the temperature barely reached 70 (an unfortunate anomaly for Florida's Gulf Coast in March), they managed to enjoy themselves and get a large dosage of much needed Vitamin D. They also saw the Yankees beat the Houston Astros at a spring training game. On other days they explored the city of Tampa, shopped, cooked a BBQ feast and attended the school's fundraiser dinner.

By Friday, the volunteers were sad to leave--not only because they had 2-day drive back to NY ahead of them, but also because they would miss the children that they met. Surely a Caribbean trip for spring would have been memorable, but being responsible for a child's academic growth over the course of a week is nothing short of rewarding.

According to site leaders Zach Dugan and Nadine Yang, who coordinated this entire trip, they are planning to have another all-FSL Alternative Break next year, possibly over winter or spring break. All of this year's participants wish to encourage all NYU members of Greek Life to participate in this life-changing experience.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

National Panhellenic Council Badge Day at the Today Show!

On Monday, March 1, 2010, women of the NYU Panhellenic Council gathered outside of the Today Show at the early hour of 5 a.m. to celebrate National Panhellenic Badge Day.

NPC Badge Day was started in 1997 by the National Panhellenic Conference to honor sisterhood. Since then, it has been celebrated each March, which is also National Women's History Month. This year's theme is "Keep Your Fraternal Experience Close to Your Heart."

Though it was a chilly morning in midtown, the celebration of this event was well worth it! The women were able to show their Panhel pride three times on American televisions between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.

As if being on TV multiple times wasn't exhilarating enough, the women had the opportunity to meet the morning crew.

...And Robert Pattinson!

The entire morning was an enjoyable experience of bonding and showing pride for being part of the National Panhellenic Council. Thanks to all who came out!

This year's participants were:

From Kappa Psi Delta: Rachel Fontana, Brayndi Grassi, Amanda Bernstein

From Pi Beta Phi: Kylie Kall, Alyssa Zuckerman, Gabriella Tutson, Alma Muniz, Katie Weinholt

Advisors: Allison Harris and Deb Jacoby

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Meet the Greeks!

The Ladies and Gentlemen of the Inter Greek Council got in the recruitment spirit at Meet the Greeks on January 26th, 2010.

Mia & Jamy

Phi Kappa Sigma

Delta Lambda Phi
Zeta Psi
Zeta Beta Tau
Sigma Phi Epsilon

Pi Delta Psi

Omega Phi Beta
Lambda Upsilon Lambda

Sigma Iota Alpha
Delta Phi

Alpha Epsilon Pi

Pi Kappa Alpha
Lambda Phi Epsilon
Caitlin & Brittany
Bernie at the Panhellenic Table!

*Note, all Panhellenic Sorority group pictures have been removed for fall recruitment disaffiliation.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Panhel!

Our newly elected officers for the 2010 Calendar Year are:

Executive Board:
President: Ali Jacobs (disaffiliated for fall recruitment)
Vice President: Amanda Bernstein ΚΨΔ
Secretary: Mallory Huntington ΑΣΤ
Treasurer: Kimberly Renvill (disaffiliated for fall recruitment)
VP Recruitment: Emily Raymond (disaffiliated for fall recruitment)
VP Public Relations: Nadine Yang ΠΒΦ
VP Greek Activities: Deborah Van (disaffiliated for fall recruitment)

Parliamentarian: Sam Reiss ΑΣΤ
Webmaster: Tara Andreas ΑΦΖ
Sustainability: Betsy Kuehl ΠΒΦ

We will be electing a new Growth and Development Chair and Philanthropy chair! Speeches are 1/27/10, voting on 2/3/10!

Congratulations Ladies!